McLeods Auto Sales in Soperton, Georgia
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McLeods Auto Sales
509 Second Street
Soperton, GA 30457
(912) 529-6086
McLeods Auto Sales has been in business in Soperton, Georgia for over 20 years. Thousands of customers have come to know the owner, Kirk and the great staff that is always eager to help people that have been through bad circumstances to get the car that they need.
Great values are available from an ever changing inventory of 15 to 20 vehicles that are priced to sell. An on site repair facility helps with ensuring that the vehicles are properly serviced and inspected prior to sale. An all around great hometown dealership to work with.
Stop in a ask for Kirk - tell him that sent ya.
McLeods Auto Sales is at 509 Second Street in Soperton. Call (912) 529-6086 and tell them you saw them on
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